Dwi Mulyaningrum(1),

(1) Human Resource Department Puri Avia-Athalia Hotel & Conference Resort, Bogor, Jawa Barat


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan Get Future Training dalam meningkatkan optimisme memasuki dunia kerja siswa SMK Sultan Trenggono Semarang. Subjek penelitian adalah 9 siswa kelas 3 SMK Sultan Trenggono Semarang dengan menggunakan desain ekperimen one group pretest-posttest design. Pretest dilakukan 2 kali dan posttest satu kali. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah Get Future Training yang menggunakan sumber-sumber self-efficacy sebagai prinsip pembuatan modul pelatihan yang terbagi menjadi 4 sesi yaitu sesi pembukaan, sesi games, sesi diskusi partisipatif dan pemberian film edukasi, dan yang terakhir adalah sesi penutupan. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan skala optimisme memasuki dunia kerja dengan koefisiensi reliabilitas sebesar 0,93. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik non-parametrik Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test dengan bantuan software analisis data statistik. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test diperoleh nilai Z = -2,680 dengan probabilitas 0,007 (p < 0,05), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan optimisme memasuki dunia kerja sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Get Future Training efektif dalam upaya meningkatkan optimisme memasuki dunia kerja pada siswa SMK Sultan Trenggono.

AbstrakSMK has purpose for prevent their students agree with job demand. However, competition in the working world make SMK’s alumnus have low on the optimism enter the working world. Optimism enter the working world is positive belief about some condition within facing the environment that full of restriction and challenge in looking for household expenses with hope in order to trying achieve the result be better for the future. For that, researcher is trying to give alternative to increase the optimism enter the working world as like training (Get Future Training) in the SMK Sultan Trenggono Semarang. The aim of the research is to know the effectiveness Get Future Training to increase the optimism enter the working world in the SMK Sultan Trenggono Semarang. the responden of the research are 9 students in 3rd class of SMK Sultan Trenggono Semarang. The research used one group pretest-posttest design experiment design. Pretest was done twice and posttest just one. The treatment are Get Future Training that use the self-efficacy sources as principle training module maker. The training are divided to become 4 session that is opening session, games session, participative discussion and educative film given, and the last is closing session. The research data is taken by using the optimism enter the working world scale with the reliability coefficients are 0,931 and from 49 item that acquisite 29 item have the high different power. Data collected by Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test non-parametric statistic test with the software statistic data analysis helping. The result of data analysis used Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test by resulted the Z value = - 2,680 with probability 0,007 (p<0,05), so can be conclude that the research have difference of the optimism enter the working world before and after doing the training. So, the result of research can conclude that Get Future Training effective for increase the optimism enter the world to SMK Sultan Trenggono’s students.


Get Future Training, optimism enter the working world, self-efficacy

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