Hubungan Pola Persebaran Permukiman dengan Kualitas Airtanah di Kecamatan Plaju Kota Palembang
(1) Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Universitas PGRI Palembang
(2) Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Universitas PGRI Palembang
Kegiatan Industri, kegiatan domestik, dan kegiatan lain dapat berdampak negatif terhadap sumberdaya air antara lain menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Plaju yang merupakan daerah perkembangan permukiman di Kota Palembang, penelitian dilatar belakangi oleh dinamika wilayah yang memiliki hubungan kuat dengan pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas airtanah dan menganalisis pola persebaran pemukiman di Kecamatan Plaju. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survai dan analisis kualitas airtanah di laboratorium. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 18 sampel air tanah yang diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Secara umum terdapat tiga pola permukiman di Kecamatan Plaju yaitu pola permukiman mengikuti jalan raya yaitu permukiman yang berada di sepanjang jalan utama dan jalan komplek, permukiman tersebar merupakan permukiman penduduk asli yang masih mengolah lahan pertanian, dan pola permukiman terpusat yang sebagian besar berada disekeliling pusat pertumbuhan seperti pasar dan mall dan daerah fasilitas umum lainnya seperti sekolah dan fasilitas olahraga. Kualitas air tanah berdasarkan kondisi fisika pada pola permukiman tersebar memiliki jumlah zat padat tersuspensi (TDS) tertinggi yaitu 519 mg/liter. Pada unsure kimia airtanah kandungan pH terbesar berada pada pola permukiman mengikuti jalan raya dengan konsentrasi pH 8,0. Kandungan nitrat tertinggi berada pada pola permukiman terpusat yaitu 6,14 mg/liter. Seangkan kandungan nitrit terbesar berada pada pola permukiman tersebar dengan konsentrasi 0,030 mg/liter. Pada parameter biologi kandungan bakteri Total Colyform berada pada pola permukiman tersebar yaitu 4,5 MPN/100 ml.
The study was conducted in Plaju Subdistrict, which is an area of development of settlements in Palembang City. The research was motivated by the dynamics of the region which had a strong relationship with the population growth. This study aims to analyze groundwater quality and analyze patterns of distribution of settlements in Plaju District. The research method used is the survey method and analysis of groundwater quality in the laboratory. The research sample amounted to 18 groundwater samples taken by purposive sampling method. In general, there are three settlement patterns in Plaju Subdistrict, namely settlement patterns that follow roads, namely settlements located along main roads and complex roads, scattered settlements are indigenous settlements which still process agricultural land, and centralized settlement patterns which are mostly around the growth center such as markets and malls and other public facilities such as schools and sports facilities. Groundwater quality based on physical conditions on scattered settlement patterns has the highest amount of suspended solids (TDS), which is 519 mg/liter. In the chemical elements of groundwater the largest pH content is in settlement patterns following highways with a pH concentration of 8.0. The highest nitrate content is in a centralized settlement pattern of 6.14 mg/liter. As for the largest nitrite content in the settlement pattern spread with a concentration of 0.030 mg/liter. The biological parameters of Colyform Total bacteria were in scattered settlement patterns of 4.5 MPN/100 ml.
The study was conducted in Plaju Subdistrict, which is an area of development of settlements in Palembang City. The research was motivated by the dynamics of the region which had a strong relationship with the population growth. This study aims to analyze groundwater quality and analyze patterns of distribution of settlements in Plaju District. The research method used is the survey method and analysis of groundwater quality in the laboratory. The research sample amounted to 18 groundwater samples taken by purposive sampling method. In general, there are three settlement patterns in Plaju Subdistrict, namely settlement patterns that follow roads, namely settlements located along main roads and complex roads, scattered settlements are indigenous settlements which still process agricultural land, and centralized settlement patterns which are mostly around the growth center such as markets and malls and other public facilities such as schools and sports facilities. Groundwater quality based on physical conditions on scattered settlement patterns has the highest amount of suspended solids (TDS), which is 519 mg/liter. In the chemical elements of groundwater the largest pH content is in settlement patterns following highways with a pH concentration of 8.0. The highest nitrate content is in a centralized settlement pattern of 6.14 mg/liter. As for the largest nitrite content in the settlement pattern spread with a concentration of 0.030 mg/liter. The biological parameters of Colyform Total bacteria were in scattered settlement patterns of 4.5 MPN/100 ml.
Settlement Patterns, Ground Water Quality
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