Agung Riskian(1), Sunyoto -(2), Masugino -(3),

(1) Prodi Pendldikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Prodi Pendldikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Semarang
(3) Prodi Pendldikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Semarang


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sarana, prasarana, nilai UKK (U)ian Kompetensi Keahlian) dan nilai Prakerin (Praktek Kerja Industri) terhadap kompetensi siswa SMK Program keahlian TMO, serta relevansi kompetensi siswa dengan kebutuhan tenaga kerja di Kota Semarang. Penelitian dilakukan pada alumni dan siswa kelas III SMK N 3 Semarang Program Keahlian TMO, dengan sampel 82 orang alumni dan 91 siswa yang diperoleh secara acak. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi, dokumentasi dan angket Secara parsial nilai UKK dan prakerin berpengaruh signiftkan terhadap kompetensi alumni sebesar maslng-masing 5,1% dan 20,5%; sedangkan sarana prasarana tldak berpengaruh stgnlflkan. Secara slmultan terdapat pengaruh signiftkan (52,5%) dari sarana, prasarana, serta nilai UKK dan Prakerin terhadap kompetensi alumni. Kompetensi alumni relevan dengan kebutuhan tenaga kerja di dunia usaha dan Industri.

Kata Kunci: Kompetensi siswa, sarana prasarana, nilai UKK nilai prakerin


This research was to identify the effect of means, infrastructure, the score of Skill Competence Test (UKK) and the score of Industrial Working Practice (Prakerin) toward the student competence In vocational school specialized in Automotive Mechanical Engineering, and its relevance with the need of employee in Semarang. The research was held toward the alumni and third graders of SMK N 3 Semarang at Automotive Mechanical Engineering skill program with 82 alumni as the sample of the research and 91 students chosen at random. The data was collected by using observation, documentation, and questionnaire. Partially the score of Skill Competence Test (UKK) and Industrial Working Practice (Prakerin) effected significantly toward die alumni competence about 5,1% and 20,5% for each of them. Meanwhile, the means and infrastructure did not effect significantly. Simultaneously, there was 52,5% of significant effect of the means, infrastructure, the score of Skill Competence Test (UKK) and Industrial Working Practice (Prakerin) toward alumni competence. The competence was relevant with the need of employee In entrepreneurial and industrial world.

Keywords :student competence, means and infrastructure, the score of Skill Competence Test (UKK), the score of Industrial Working Practice (Prakerin)

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