Abdul Ayiz(1),

(1) Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang


Up to now the results of teaching and learning process related to the students’ engagement and readiness to study as perceived by junior high school students have not been satisfying yet. The students’ engagement and  readiness are not considered as important elements before going through the lesson.  Students are mostly considered as empty vessels who are ready to be filled with knowledge by English teachers. As a matter of fact, students need encouraging since at the beginning of the lesson in order to  achieve their maximum capacity in learning. Regarding with those important elements, there is an interesting teaching sequence namely E-S-A teaching sequence proposed by Harmer (2007) which can create a very interesting and succesful teaching and learning process. This  paper therefore discusses the application of E-S-A teaching sequence which includes the students’ engagement during the teaching learning process, and the kinds of E-S-A teaching sequences for teaching junior high school students. The engagement indicators indentified five criteria such as body language, consistent focus, verbal participation, student’s confidence, fun and excitement.  The data were taken from the two English teachers as the subjects of this study. The two English teachers’ performance towards the application of E-S-A teaching sequence were analyzed and compared. The result of this study presents the students’ engagement during the teaching and learning process and various kinds of E-S-A teaching sequence which were employed by English teachers to teach students as appropriate.


E-S-A teaching sequence; teaching and learning process; students’ engagement

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