Agronomic Performance of Soybean Genotypes in Lowland Paddy Fields under Zero-tillage Condition
(1) Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute
(2) Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute
(3) Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute
In Indonesia, soybean is mostly cultivated in lowland following the yearly planting pattern of paddy – paddy – soybean under zero-tillage condition. The research aim was to evaluate the agronomic performance of several soybean genotypes in lowland paddy fields under zero-tillage condition. A total of 12 soybean genotypes, including the check varieties of Wilis and Anjasmoro, were evaluated in lowland after rice planting in three locations (Klaten, Pasuruan, and Tabanan). A randomized block design with four replications was used in each location. The soybean yield is a complex character which determined by interrelated agronomic characters. The averages seed yield in Klaten, Pasuruan, and Tabanan were 2.97 t/ha, 3.02 t/ha, and 2.68 t/ha, respectively. Two genotypes produced equal yield with Anjasmoro, i.e. AT12-1062 (3.01 t/ha) and AT12-1037 (3.0 t/ha). Anjasmoro variety had the highest 100 seed weight (15.40 g), and only AT12-1035 showed the equal seed weight. The average days to maturity of 12 genotypes was 83 days. In addition to Anjasmoro variety, soybean genotypes AT12-1062 and AT12-1037 (medium maturity and medium seed size) as the new findings form this study were potential to be developed at lowland paddy fields under zero-tillage condition. The availability of the soybean genotypes adaptive to lowland paddy field under zero tillage condition is important to optimize the soybean productivity as well as the income of farmers in Indonesia.
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