Vol 11, No 1 (2019)

April 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/biosaintifika.v11i1

Table of Contents


Melania Priska(1), Natalia Peni(2), Ludovicus Carvallo(3),
(1) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Flores
(2) Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Flores, Indonesia
(3) Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Flores, Indonesia
Ratna Dewi Eskundari(1), Taryono Taryono(2), Didik Indradewa(3), Yekti Asih Purwestri(4),
(1) Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Anton Ario(1), Agus Priyono Kartono(2), Lilik Budi Prasetyo(3), Jatna Supriatna(4),
(1) Postgraduate of Tropical Biodiversity Conservation Study Program, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
(2) Department of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
(3) Department of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
(4) Conservation International Indonesia,
Eka Andy Santoso(1), Jumari Jumari(2), Sri Utami(3),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
Arif Rahman Hikam(1), Nuraeni Ekowati(2), Hernayanti Hernayanti(3),
(1) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia
Hanum Mukti Rahayu(1), Mahwar Qurbaniah(2),
(1) Program of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, Indonesia
(2) Program of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak
Ite Morina Yostianti Tnunay(1), Tatik Chikmawati(2), Miftahudin Miftahudin(3),
(1) Plant Biology Graduate Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Pertanian Bogor,
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Mellyaning Oktaviani Sonya Kirana Sari(1), Endah Dwi Hastuti(2), Sri Darmanti(3),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Priyantini Widiyaningrum(1), Devy Candrawati(2), Dyah Rini Indriyanti(3), Bambang Priyono(4),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(4) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Mochammad Muchlish Adie(1), Ayda Krisnawati(2), Ratri Tri Hapsari(3),
(1) Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, Indonesia
(2) Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute
(3) Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, Indonesia
Abdul Gofur(1), Ida Wulandari(2), M. Fitri Athoillah(3), Agung Witjoro(4), Sri Rahayu Lestari(5),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Science, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
(4) Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
(5) Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Hernayanti Hernayanti(1), Sorta Basar Ida Simanjuntak(2),
(1) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
(2) Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Masrayani Sulaeman(1), Sulistijorini Sulistijorini(2), Sri Rahayu(3),
(1) Plant Biology Graduete Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Pertanian Bogor
(3) Bogor Botanical Gardens Plant Conservation Center, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
Triana Asih(1), Muhammad Khayuridlo(2), Rasuane Noor(3), Muhfahroyin Muhfahroyin(4),
(1) Biology Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
(2) Primary Shcool Teacher Education, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung
(3) Biology Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
(4) Biology Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
Winardi Winardi(1), Eko Haryono(2), Sudrajat Sudrajat(3), Endang Sutariningsih Soetarto(4),
(1) Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences, Postgraduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada
(2) Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
(3) Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
(4) Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Yonadiah Dwitya(1), Kartini Eriani(2), Hendra Saputra(3), Al-Azhar Al-Azhar(4), Muhammad Rizal(5),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
(3) Animal Husbandry Office of Aceh Province, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
(5) Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Dian Agustina(1), Udi Tarwotjo(2), Rully Rahadian(3),
(1) Master of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(2) Master of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(3) Master of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
Sucipto Hariyanto(1), Akhmad Kharish Fahmi(2), Thin Soedarti(3), Emy Endah Suwarni(4),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(4) Baluran National Park, Situbondo East Java, Indonesia
Nana Kariada Tri Martuti(1), Yustinus Ulung Anggraito(2), Septiana Anggraini(3),
(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(3) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Sunarno Sunarno(1), Siti Zubaedah(2), Almalina Nabila Sulistyo Rini(3), Eryanti Sekarsari(4), Rully Rahadian(5),
(1) Laboratory Structure and Function Animal Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(2) Laboratory Structure and Function Animal Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(3) Laboratory Structure and Function Animal Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(4) Laboratory Structure and Function Animal Biology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
(5) Laboratory Ecology and Biosystematic, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
Muhammad Rofi' Prasetya(1), Setiawan Koesdarto(2), Nunuk Dyah Retno Lastuti(3), Lucia Tri Suwanti(4), Kusnoto Kusnoto(5), Muchammad Yunus(6),
(1) Master Program, Science Disease, and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
(2) Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(3) Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(4) Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(5) Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
(6) Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Musyarofah Zuhri(1), Dian Latifah(2), Fitri Kurniawati(3), Ikhsan Noviady(4), Yudi Suhendri(5),
(1) Cibodas Botanical Garden
(2) Center for Plant Conservation Botanic Gardens, Indonesia
(3) Cibodas Botanical Garden, Indonesia
(4) Cibodas Botanical Garden, Indonesia
(5) Cibodas Botanical Garden, Indonesia
Ari Sunandar(1), Dedeh Kurniasih(2),
(1) Program of Biology Education, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak
(2) Program of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak