Education is An Overview of Data Mining and The Ability to Predict the Performance of Students

Mahjouba Ali Saleh(1), Sellappan Palaniappan(2), Nasaraldeen Ali Alghazali Abdalla(3),

(1) Department of Information Technology and Engineering Malaysia University of Science and Technology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(2) Department of Information Technology and Engineering Malaysia University of Science and Technology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(3) Faculity of Information Technology, Bani Waleed University Libya


This research provides a review of the state of the art with respect to EDM and discusses the most relevant work in this area to date. Each study has been discussed considering type of data and data mining techniques used, and the kind of the educational task that they resolve. EDM is upcoming research area related to well-established areas of research such as e- learning, tutoring systems, web mining, data mining. Current literature show how fast educational data analysis area is growing and there is an increasing number of contributions that publish in International Journals and Conferences every year. However, educational data mining is still not a mature area. Some interesting future suggestion to develop this area has been presented. This research is a presentation of current and ancient literature of Predicting Student Performance using Data Mining.


data mining, performance predicting, education, system analysis, e-learning

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