Strengthening Individual Resilience Through Self-Reliance Building Programs on Prisons

Wiwin Herwina(1), Nurlaila Nurlaila(2), Ahmad Hamdan(3),

(1) Siliwangi University, Indonesia
(2) Siliwangi University, Indonesia
(3) Siliwangi University, Indonesia


Individual resilience is an important ability that must be possessed by assisted residents to respond adaptively to the difficulties they experience while in prison and when leaving prison. The purpose of this study is to explore how the individual resilience of the assisted residents is strengthened through an independence coaching program carried out at the Tasikmalaya City Class IIB Prison. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The sample determination technique is carried out using purpossive sampling techniques. Data collection techniques are carried out through field observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that strengthening individual resilience through self-reliance development programs implemented in prisons has an impact on the stronger level of trust, spirituality, internal control and external control. Meanwhile, in the context of self-efficacy and self-esteem, it  has not been seen as prominent in strengthening the individual resilience of the fostered residents.


individual resilience, self-reliance coaching program, fostered citizens

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