Relationship between Learning Style and Interest in Learning with Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Grade IV

Ela Yunita, sumilah sumilah


The purpose of this research was to examine the correlation between learning styles and learning interest toward social
studies learning outcomes of the fourth grade students at elementary school of Kartini Cluster, Pati Regency. The type of
this research is a correlation study. The population in this research were the fourth grade students of elementary school
of Kartini Cluster, Pati Regency and consisted of 121 students. The sampling technique used Saturated Sampling. Data
collection techniques used questionnaries, documentation, and interviews. The instrument test was standardized by using
validity and reliability tests. The prerequisite analysis test used the normality, linearity, and multicollinearity tests. While
the data analysis technique used descriptive statistics, Product Moment correlation analysis, multiple correlation analysis,
significant test, simple linear regression analysis, multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there was a
positive and significant correlation between learning styles and learning interest together toward social studies outcomes
that proved by its score was 0.631 and the value of table data= 0.176. The contribution of learning styles and learning
interest variables on social studies learning outcomes was 62.8% included in the strong category.
Keywords: learning style; learning outcomes; interest to learn


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DOI: 10.15294/est.v5i2.33834


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