The Relationship of Scouting Extracurricular Education and Parenting Patterns with Student Discipline Characters

Estri Dwi Senjani, Susilo Tri Widodo


This study aims to test and prove whether there was a relationship between scouting extracurricular activities and
parenting styles with the formation of disciplinary character for the 5 grade students of the Gugus Mawardhi. The method
used in this research is correlation. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation and
questionnaires. The prerequisite tests carried out were the normality test, linearity test, reliability test, and
multicollinearity test. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis, simple correlation, multiple correlation, and
the F-test. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between scout education
extracurricular activities with the formation of disciplinary character in grade 5 elementary school students. The results
showed that rcount was greater than rtable, namely 0.529>0.179 with a significance level of 5%. The results showed that
rcount was greater than rtable, namely 0.637>0.179 with a significance level of 5%.. These results indicate rcount is
greater than r table, namely 0.677> 0.179 with a significance level of 5%, the relationship between the scouts
extracurricular education variables and the formation of disciplinary character is in the moderate category. The results of
the percentage of student questionnaire responses showed a very positive relationship between scouting extracurricular
activities, parenting styles, and the character of student discipline simultaneously.
Keywords: scouting, parenting style, discipline


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DOI: 10.15294/est.v5i2.33835


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