Hari Martopo(1),

(1) Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Parangtritis KM 6,5 Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Dalam ranah pendidikan music, mata sejarah musik memiliki fungsi paling dasar dan penting sebagai pengetahuan ilmiah bagi semua mata pelajaran dan minat-minat studi yang terkait dengan bidang studi musik. Sejarah musik sangat bermanfaat untuk belajar teori-teori (musicology), atau penciptaan musik (composition), dan juga praktik-praktik vokal maupun instrumen musik (performance). Sekalipun sejarah musik penting sebagai pengetahuan ilmiah, tetapi perlu dilengkapi dengan sumber informasi tambahan antara lain pengetahuan tentang kebudayaan; sejarah filsafat; sejarah umum; perkembangan teknologi dan sains; bahkan mitologi. Artikel ini diharapkan akan dibaca dan bermanfaat bagi siapa saja terutama para pelajar musik dan juga termasuk para pengajar sejarah musik. Pembelajaran sejarah musik dapat dieksplorasi agar menjadi lebih menarik, menyenangkan, dan mencapai tujuannya yakni sebagai ilmu pengetahuan ilmiah musik.


In the domain of music education — the history of music has the most basic and important function as scientific knowledge for all subjects and interests – the interests of related subjects with majors in music. It is very beneficial to learning theories (musicology), or music creation (composition), and also practices of vocals and music instruments (performance). Though it is important as scientific knowledge, but it needs to be complemented by additional information sources like knowledge of culture, the history of philosophy, public history, the development of technology and science, and even mythology. This article will hopefully be useful for anyone, especially the students and also teachers of music history. Learning music history can be explored in order to become more attractive and fun, and achieve the goal of learning; that is a source of scientific knowledge.


sejarah; musik Barat; klasik; pengetahuan ilmiah

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Diskografi Visual:

Beethoven & Brahms. Piano Concerto No. 5 op. 73 “The Emperor” and Symphony No. 3 op. 90, Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana, Conductor by Serge Baudo, Silverline Classics.

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Fidelio, Wiener Staatsoper by Leonard Berstein, Deutsche Grammophon.

Bocelli, Andrea. Concerto one night in Central Park, New York, Universal, TVB.

Mauriat, Paul. Classical Elegance, Bossman.

Mozart, W.A. Die Zauberflöte, by Wolfgang Sawallisch, directed by August Everding, Deutsche Grammophon.

Mozart, W.A. Don Giovanni, The Metropolitan Opera by James Levine, production by Franco Zeffirelli, Deutsche Grammophon.

Mozart, W.A. Le Nozze Di Figaro, Glydebourne Festival Opera, NVC Arts.

Rieu, André, Under the Stars, Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra & Choir, Live in Maastricht V, Universal.

Rodrigo, Joaquin. Concierto De Aranjuez, Pepe Romero, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Sir Neville Marriner, Phillips.

Rossini, Gioacchino. Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Teatro Real Madrid, Decca.

Stern, Isaac. From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China, Musical Encounters.

Stradivari, Antonio. A Gala Celebation, Master.

Strauss, Johann. Famous Works, Vienna Symphonic Orchestra, Conductor by Erich Leinsdorf, Silverline Classics.

The Complete Lives and Music of The Great Composers: Vivaldi, Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beetoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Grieg.

Verdi. Aida, Teatro alla Scala, Decca.

Wagner, Richard. Tristan und Isolde, Chor und Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin, by Jiri Kout, TDK, EuroArts.


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