The Effectiveness of Ethno Science-Based Discovery Learning Model Assisted by Online Learning Videos to improve Students' Learning Outcomes
(1) Universitas PGRI Semarang
(2) Universitas PGRI Semarang
(3) Universitas PGRI Semarang
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all teaching and learning activities must change to online learning and results in students being stuck on their gadgets and accessing information or content unrelated to the lesson. Consequently, this creates an attitude of students who tend to be passive and unaware of the surrounding environment and local culture. Moreover, the learning material provided by the teacher is hard to understand by students because it is only in the form of text without sufficient explanation. Therefore, this situation affects students' learning outcomes. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the ethnoscience-based discovery learning model assisted by online learning videos on students. This study uses the Pre-Experimental research method: One Group Pretest–Posstest. The sample in this study are all fifth-grade students at SDN Semirejo 02 with a total of 25 students using Non Probability Sampling with saturation sampling technique. The data is obtained through posttest, interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis techniques in this study are classical completeness test, paired sample t-test, and N-Gain test. The results show that there is a significant increase in student learning outcomes as indicated by the results of the t-test which is the tcount (15,868) > ttable (1,711), and the N-Gain value of 0.49 which is included in the medium effectiveness. The learning model can also improve the affective assessment of students in the aspects of being careful, accurate, and independent. Therefore, this learning makes students enthusiastic in participating in learning. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the ethnoscience-based discovery learning model assisted by online learning videos is effective on student learning outcomes.
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