Ornament Design by Student of Fine Art Education in Semarang State University as Creative Response to The Ornamento Gedongsongo Temple
Syafii Syafii
(1) Dosen Jurusan Seni Rupa, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Central Java has some temples with some aesthetic-valued ornaments, in the other hand the preservation through education is still minimum. This research tries to educate the student of Fine Art Education in UNNES in creating the ornament with the stimulant of the ornament of Gedongsongo Temple. In particular, this research has the purpose of describing student of Fine Art Education in UNNES creation, strategy and motivation in designing ornament as the response to the ornament of Gedongsongo Temple that is used as learning stimulant. The approach of this research was qualitative, with the main data collection technique of controlled-observation. The data analysis used qualitative data, by the support of quantitative data. The result of the research revealed that student of Fine Art Education in UNNES creation in response to the ornament of Gedongsongo temple, displayed the object with the portrait and landscape orientation, popular motif that is Kala and Makara, with expressive tendency also linear technique in strengthening the shading. Respondent-choosing strategy in interpreting the stimulus in the artwork, imitative or creative, is motivated or has the background of stimulus clearance level. In strategy, the choosing of the technique has the tendency to show the artwork in photographic-representative by the respondent. While the relation to the motif theme choosing, the respondent is motivated by subjective, perception and understanding factor about the ornament. The suggestion, it is needed to be done further development in the utilization of temple-ornament-based material in the college of ornament lecture and the learning of drawing decoration variety in basic and middle education.si fisik yaitu untuk memperindah penampilan fisik naskah.
Temple, Creation, Strategy, Motivation
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