Agung Yulianto(1),

(1) Jurusan Akuntansi FE Unnes


The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the effectiveness of Group Investigation method to improve the quality of students’ motivation in Budgeting subject, and (2) to know the effectiveness of Group Investigation method to improve the quality of  students’ learning in Budgeting subject.  This study was Class-Action Research which was designed into two main cycles, the 1st cycle and the 2nd cycle. Each cycle consisted of some stages; they were planning - implementation - evaluation and reflection. The research was conducted at accounting class, Economics Faculty, UNNES started on June until November 2008. The collected data were: (1) students 'activities during learning, (2) faculty and student interaction, (3) the level of student motivation, (4) student achievement and (5) students' response to the learning process. Observation of the learning process carried out by two lecturers. The quality of the learning process in the classroom can be illustrated by the lecturer’s activities that should be able to motivate students to learn actively and creatively. The result showed that there was improvement in all aspects of learning so that the average score also increased from 76.18 to 84.64. It also showed that all aspects of students’ activities in the classroom increased, especially in the aspects of teamwork and discussion because of the number of members in each group in the 2nd cycle was relatively smaller than the number of members in each group in the 1st cycle. The quality of student learning outcomes is the output of the learning process in class. In the 2006 curriculum, student learning outcomes are based on the degree of students’ mastery with value standard indicator determined. The result showed that there was an increase in the students’ score. The highest score was from 87 to 95 and the lowest score was from 50 to 62, so the average score was 76 and the degree of mastery became 83%. It meant that students could improve their understanding of the materials and concept of risk management through the Discovery Learning approach.


Cooperative, Group Investigation, Budgeting

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