Amatullah Sibghotul Iezzah(1),

(1) 1 Bagian Bimbingan Konseling dan Inklusi, Sekolah Dasar Al-Irsyad 01 Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah


Abstrak. Prosocial behavior adalah perilaku membantu atau mementingkan orang lain, terkadang tidak memberikan keuntungan bagi yang melakukan. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku ini, salah satunya adalah emosi negatif. Persoalan sosial yang sarat nuansa psikologis, dan emosi yang negatif adalah iri (envy) dan social undermining. Beberapa ahli berbeda pendapat mengenai keterkaitan emosi negatif dan perilaku prososial. Di sisi lain, ada pula beberapa perbedaan pendapat mengenai keterkaitan iri dengan konsekuensi berperilaku positif (seperti prososial) serta perilaku negatif (seperti social undermining). Realitanya, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, keterkaitan ketiga variabel tersebut pun berbeda-beda. Beberapa perbedaan konsekuensi berperilaku baik secara teori maupun praktek, menimbulkan pertanyaan bagaimanakah interrelasi antara iri, social undermining, dan prosocial behavior? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh iri (envy) terhadap prosocial behavior, pengaruh social undermining terhadap prosocial behavior, dan pengaruh iri terhadap social undermining. Penelitian ini menggunakan me tode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Semarang tahun ajaran 2014/2015 semester genap, sampel diambil menggunakan metode cluster sampling with probability. Hasil uji hipotesis iri berpengaruh terhadap prosocial behavior yaitu pengaruh F 42.035 dengan signifikansi 0.000 sebesar 11.4%. Hasil uji hipotesis social undermining berpengaruh terhadap prosocial behavior yaitu pengaruh F 263.360 dengan signifikansi 0.000 sebesar 44.7%. Hasil uji hipotesis iri berpengaruh terhadap social undermining yaitu pengaruh F 36.692 dengan signifikansi 0.00 sebesar 10.1%.

Abstract. Prosocial behavior is helping or considering to other behavior, sometimes not give profit to someone who do it. There are some factor which can influence this behavior, one of them is negative emotion. The social problem which full psychologys nuance and negative emotion is envy and social undermining. Some researcher have different opinion about the relationship between negative emotion and prosocial behavior. In the other side, there is some different opinion about the relationship between envy and positive outcome (like prosocial behavior), and also negative outcome (like social undermining). In fact, in daily activity, the relationship among these variable also different. Some different behavior consequences both theory and practice, makes a question how are interrelation among envy, social undermining, and prosocial behavior?The aim of this study is to know the effect of envy to prosocial behavior, the effect of social undermining to prosocial behavior, and the effect of envy to social undermining. This study using quantitative method. The population of this study is State University of Semarang students years 2014/2015 even semester. This study using cluster sampling with probability method. The result of hypothesis test of envy influential to prosocial behavior is the effect F 42.035 with significancy 0.000 as big as 11.4%. The result of hypothesis test of social undermining influential to prosocial behavior is the effect F 263.360 with significancy 0.000 as big as 44.7%. The result of hypothesis test of envy influential to social undermining is the effect F 36.692 with significancy 0.000 as big as 10.1%..


Envy, Social Undermining, Prosocial Behavior

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