Water Shortage at Several Sub Watershed into Wonogiri DAM

Ugro Hari Murtiono(1), Agus Wuryanta(2),

(1) Research Institute for Watershed Management Technology Center (BPPTP DAS Solo)
(2) Research Institute for Watershed Management Technology Center (BPPTP DAS Solo)


The study was conducted at several selected sub-watersheds (Temon, Wuryantoro, Alang, and Keduang Sub-watersheds) in Wonogiri District. These four sub-watersheds are main rivers whose outlets flow into Wonogiri Dam. The study calculated the water supply and water demand for various uses at four sub-watersheds. The Thornwaite and Mather method was used to estimate the water supply. The results indicated that: (1) The water supply of Temon Sub-watershed was 35,435,875 m3­­­­­ and the annual water demand was 51,053,247 m3­­­­­, therefore there was a deficit of 30,59 % per year; (2)  The water supply of Wuryantoro Sub-watershed was 17,788,417 m3­­­­­ and the water demand was 22,413,430 m3­­­­­ per year, therefore the deficit was 20.64% per year; (3) The water supply of Alang Sub-watershed  was 31,372,317 m3­­­­­ per year and the water demand was 69,566,500 m3­­­­­ per year, therefore the deficit was 54.90% per year; (4) The water supply of Keduang Sub-watershed was 438,527,889 m3­­­­­ and the water demand was 452,611,219 m3­­­­­ per year, thus, the deficit was 3.11%  per year; (5) those sub-watersheds need improvements especially effective water resources plans, water allocation and distribution based on the determined priority, e.g., retention basin, low evapotranspiration re-vegetation, well-managed infiltration, water resources protection, and water reservoir construction.


water supply, water demand, water shortage

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