(1) Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, UNDIP, Semarang
(2) Program Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, UNDIP, Semarang
Norms, standard and criteria formulation for Land Utilization in Kudus Regency
was part of Land Use Activity. The standard formulation based on land suitability
between land use planning that has been established with the existing land use.
The criteria based on land carrying capacity that had been set in the Regional
Planning (RTRW) by looking at trend of the most dominant land use development.
The purpose of this evaluation was to see the suitability of Norms, Standards, and
Criteria of Kudus Regency Land Use Planning based on evaluation indicators
that refer to process and outcome aspects of evaluation which refers to UUPR
No. 26 of 2007 and the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.16 / PRT / 2009.
The results obtained from the evaluation: based on process, drafting of norms,
standards and criteria for Kudus Regency Land Use Planning in 2010 has not
been fully followed the formulation method that should be used as a reference,
while based on results, drafting of norms, standards and criteria for Kudus
Regency Land Use Planning in 2010 has achieved its goal.
was part of Land Use Activity. The standard formulation based on land suitability
between land use planning that has been established with the existing land use.
The criteria based on land carrying capacity that had been set in the Regional
Planning (RTRW) by looking at trend of the most dominant land use development.
The purpose of this evaluation was to see the suitability of Norms, Standards, and
Criteria of Kudus Regency Land Use Planning based on evaluation indicators
that refer to process and outcome aspects of evaluation which refers to UUPR
No. 26 of 2007 and the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.16 / PRT / 2009.
The results obtained from the evaluation: based on process, drafting of norms,
standards and criteria for Kudus Regency Land Use Planning in 2010 has not
been fully followed the formulation method that should be used as a reference,
while based on results, drafting of norms, standards and criteria for Kudus
Regency Land Use Planning in 2010 has achieved its goal.
norms, standard, criteria, land use
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