Analysis of Employee Engagement as a Mediator of the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Justice, and Servant Leadership with Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Veronika Agustini Srimulyani(1), Yustinus Budi Hermanto(2),

(1) Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
(2) Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika Surabaya


The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of perceptions of organizational support (POS), organizational fairness (O.J.), and Servant (S.L.) leadership on E.E; and analyzing the role of E.E. as a mediator of POS, O.J., and S.L. relationships in OCB hospital nurses in Madiun City and Madiun Regency. The research approach is quantitative research with a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires as a data collection tool. The sample used was 225 nurses. Data analysis using path analysis. The research approach is quantitative research with a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires as a data collection tool. The sample used was 225 nurses. Data analysis using path analysis. The test results showed that: POS, O.J. and S.L. partially had a significant positive impact on E.E.; POS, O.J., S.L., and E.E. partially had a significant positive impact on OCB; E.E. significantly mediates the relationship of POS and S.L. with OCB, but E.E. does not mediate the relationship between O.J. and OCB. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that POS, O.J., and S.L play an important role in growing E.E and OCB. This needs to be considered by the management so that the organization can run effectively in realizing organizational goals.


Perceived Organizational Support ; Organizational Justice; Employee Engagement;

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