Surviving in The Paradise: The State of Civil Society in Post New Order Bali

Gede Indra Pramana(1), Tedi Erviantono(2),

(1) Universitas Udayana, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Udayana, Indonesia


This study seeks to describe the development of civil society. In the realm of political science, the role of civil society is one of the benchmarks for the development of democracy. In Indonesia, the transition period was marked by the collapse of Suharto's New Order, accompanied by the rapid growth of civil society. However, there has not been much research on the development of civil society in the local sphere. This research seeks to fill the gaps related to civil society development and democracy in the local sphere by focusing on Bali. The study used a qualitative method, particularly participant observation and interview. This study finds, first, the increasing tension between civil society actors and the state. Its shown in the state's efforts to limit the expression of civilian dissatisfaction with state policies. Second, the state's role is increasing in the life of civil society in Bali. In the context of Bali, Perda No. 4 of 2019 on Desa Adat shows recognition for indigenous peoples in Bali. The case of Bali displays the uniqueness of how the customs of the Balinese people, particularly in the civil society arena, influence the relationship with the state. It shows the inequality of power relations between the state and society. It confirms that tension between the state and civil society strengthened after policies that increased the state's intervention in civil society.


Civil Society, Local Politics, Democracy, Bali

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