I. Yusuf, Subaer -


Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan media dan perangkat pembelajaran Fisika berbasis laboratorium virtual. Prosedur pengembangannya mengikuti model four-D. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) media laboratorium virtual model presentasi dan tutorial pada materi radiasi benda hitam, efek fotolistrik, dan efek Compton diperoleh hasil valid dan reliabel; (2) perangkat pembelajaran berupa Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Buku Bacaan Peserta Didik (BBPD), dan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD), selain dibuat dalam bentuk hardcopy, juga softcopy autorun CD yang dilengkapi link ke beberapa website; (3) aktivitas peserta didik di atas 80%, menunjukkan pembelajaran yang dilakukan mampu mengaktifkan peserta didik.


A research has been conducted to develop media and physicslearning device based on virtual laboratory. The development procedure followed the four-D models. Results showed (1) virtual lab models media presentations and tutorial son the matter of black body radiation, the photo electric effect and Compton effect were valid and reliable; (2) learning tools in the form of Lesson Plan, Students Textbook, and Students Worksheet, as well as hardcopy, softcopy and autorun CD which links to several websites; (3) activity learners above 80%, indicating that learning was able to activate the learners.


Activities, Virtual Laboratory, and Perception

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