Students’ Caring Attitudes to Wetland Environment: A Case of Environmental Education In Banjar District Indonesia

A. Sholahuddin, R. Fitriyana, M. F. Sya'ban, I. K. Sadiqin


Schools in Indonesia have been conducted environmental education programs through both curriculum activities and schools’ environmental programs. However, there was no sufficient data about the effectiveness of the programs. This study aims to identify the junior high school students’ caring attitudes to the wetland environment (CATWE) as the education outcome. The Six Junior High Schools were chosen as probability sampling areas classified as urban, central, and rural areas schools of Banjar District with total samples of 354 students aged 12-14 years. The CATWE data were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire. This study found that most of the students care for the wetland environment. There were no differences in the CATWE of the three school areas. These findings indicate that the school area and the level of the “Adiwiyata†program were not the primary determining variable of environmental caring attitude education effectiveness. The highest score of the CATWE indicator was responsible; meanwhile, the lowest was hard work. Even though all the indicators have reached a care category. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate the effectiveness of the school environmental program “Adiwiyata,†outside classroom activity, and family role in environmental education.


environmental educatio; caring attitude; wetlands; school area; sustainability

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