A. Sujana, A. Permanasari, W. Sopandi, A. Mudzakir


Literasi kimia merupakan salah satu aspek penting yang harus dikuasai mahasiswa PGSD dan guru SD, karena berpengaruh terhadap literasi sains serta banyak aspek kimia dalam kehidupan seperti pada tema air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui literasi kimia guru SD dan mahasiswa PGSD. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan subyek penelitian berjumlah 61 orang, 41 orang berasal dari mahasiswa PGSD serta 20 orang dari guru SD. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa soal tes literasi kimia berjumlah 40 soal berbentuk pilihan berganda yang dilengkapi alasan atau keterangan lainnya untuk memperkuat jawaban yang diberikan, angket, serta wawancara. Teknik pengolahan data yang dilakukan meliputi penentuan batas ketercapaian literasi kimia, pemberian skor setiap soal, pengubahan skor menjadi nilai, pengelompokkan subyek penelitan berdasarkan nilai yang diperoleh, serta analisis dan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh data bahwa hanya 21 orang (51,22%) mahasiswa PGSD yang telah mencapai literasi kimia, serta guru SD hanya 6 orang (30%). Literasi kimia yang belum tercapai kebanyakan subyek penelitian terutama pada konteks kualitas air, sifat-sifat air, peran air bagi kehidupan serta pencemaran air. Adapun konteks yang mayoritas sudah tercapai pada pengolahan air dan siklus air. Upaya mengatasi rendahnya literasi kimia mahasiswa PGSD dilakukan melalui penataan ruang lingkup materi yang diberikan serta proses perkuliahan yang dilakukan, salah satunya melalui perkuliahan berbasis masalah (problem based learning).


Chemical literacy is one of the important aspects that must be mastered PGSD students and primary school teachers , as well as an effect on many aspects of scientific literacy in the lives of such chemicals on the theme of water . This study aims to determine the chemical literacy of primary school teachers and students PGSD . The method used is descriptive method , the research subjects totaling 61 people , 41 people came from PGSD students and 20 people from elementary school teachers . The instrument used is a matter of chemistry literacy tests are 40 multiple -choice questions that include reason or other information to strengthen the answers given , questionnaires , and interviews . Data processing techniques performed included determination of the limits of chemical literacy achievement , scoring each question , changing the score values ??, grouping research subjects based on the values ??obtained , and the analysis and conclusions . From the research data showed that only 21 people ( 51.22 % ) students who have achieved literacy PGSD chemistry , as well as elementary teachers only 6 people ( 30 % ) . Literacy chemical that has not reached most of the study subjects , especially in the context of water quality , water properties , the role of water for life and water pollution . The context in which the majority has been reached on water treatment and water cycles . Efforts to address the low literacy PGSD chemistry students performed through the arrangement of the material scope of the lecture is given and done , one of them through a problem based learning.


Students PGSD; elementary science teachers; science literacy; literacy chemistry; descriptive method; the basic concepts of chemistry; water theme; problem based learning

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