Gurdani Yogisutanti(1), Hari Kusnanto(2), Lientje Setyawati(3), Yasumasa Otsuka(4),

(1) Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Immanuel Bandung, Indonesia
(2) Program Doktor Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(3) Program Doktor Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(4) Department of Psychology, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education, Kagamiyama, Higashi- Hiroshima


Latar belakang. Fatigue merupakan fenomena normal bagi setiap orang sehat, yang dapat dikurangidengan istirahat maupun tidur. Kurang tidur (sleepiness) telah menjadi fokus masalah dalam isukesehatan kerja. Namun, penelitian kelelahan kerja pada dosen masih sangat terbatas dan belummenjadi perhatian. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan makan pagi, lamawaktu tidur dengan kelelahan kerja. Metode. Desain cross sectional digunakan dalam penelitian dansebanyak 77 partisipan berasal dari 2 sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan swasta di Jawa Barat. Makanpagi dan lama waktu tidur per hari (variabel bebas) diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Kelelahankerja (variabel terikat) diukur menggunakan reaction timer yang dilakukan selama 3 hari dalam 1minggu. Kelelahan kerja merupakan rerata waktu reaksi dari hasil pengukuran. Hasil. Rerata waktutidur 6,12±0,670 jam, sebanyak 52(67,5%) dosen mempunyai kebiasaan makan pagi. Rerata waktureaksi 233,83±46,64 milidetik. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji korelasi didapatkan tingkatkelelahan berkorelasi negatif dengan kebiasaan makan pagi (p=0,000; r=-0,472) dan waktu tidur(p=0.000; r=-0,459). Kesimpulan. Kelelahan kerja dosen disebabkan kurang tidur dan intake kaloriyang dibutuhkan untuk beraktivitas. Untuk mengatasi kelelahan kerja perlu peningkatan kesadarandan pengetahuan dosen tentang keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terutama kebiasaan makan danwaktu istirahat yang baik dan sehat agar menjadi budaya kerja.


Background. In a healthy person fatigue is a normal phenomenon, experienced by everyone andusually easily relieved by rest or sleep. Increased sleepiness at work is now increasingly being focusedon a safety health issue. However, research on university teacher’s fatigue is very limited and has notbeen fully addressed. Objective. Th e Objective of this study was to clarify the relationship betweensleeping duration, breakfast habits and fatigue in university teacher. Method. Cross-sectional surveywas used and 77 participants were given a questionnaire about sleeping duration, breakfast habits andfatigue symptoms. Fatigue level was measured with reaction timer in the morning when they arrivedat the workplace and before they left the workplace. Correlation analyses were used to identify therelationship between independents and dependent variables. Result. Average hour of sleep was 6.12hours per night (SD=0.67) and 67.5% participants were not having breakfast. Level of fatigue in themorning was mostly in light fatigue level (259.68±49.16 mms), which was signifi cantly correlated withsleep duration (r=0.459; p=0.000), which was signifi cantly correlated with breakfast habits (r=-0.472;p=0.000). Conclusion. Fatigue level was associated with sleep deprivation and low intake calories frombreakfast. University teachers may suff er from fatigue at their beginning of work because of the lack ofsleep duration, while in the evening, fatigue became higher because of the lack energy from breakfast.To manage the fatigue level for university teachers should be considered to improve university teacher’sknowledge about sleep and breakfast and have enough time to sleep and breakfast before working.


Fatigue; Sleep duration; Breakfast; University teacher; Workplace

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