Ratih Wirapuspita(1),

(1) Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia


Drop out kader sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan posyandu. Drop out dikarenakankurangnya insentif, baik uang maupun non uang (pelatihan, piagam, bantuan operasional,seragam, dll), namun insentif apa yang sebenarnya mampu meningkatkan kinerja kader.Masalah penelitian adalah hubungan insentif uang dan non uang dengan kinerja kaderposyandu di Puskesmas Wonorejo Samarinda. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubunganinsentif uang (uang transport) dan non uang (seragam, lomba, tunjangan kesehatan, piagam,sembako, tunjangan hari raya (THR), bantuan operasional, bantuan alat tulis, kunjunganpihak kelurahan, kunjungan ketua rukun tetangga (RT), kunjungan pimpinan puskesmas(pimpus), dan rekreasi) dengan kinerja kader posyandu. Metode penelitian cross sectional,dengan responden adalah seluruh kader di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wonorejo. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pemberian bantuan operasional (p=0.002),piagam (p=0.01), uang transport (p=0.009), pelatihan (p=0.018) dengan kinerja kader. Tidakada hubungan antara seragam (p=0.927), lomba posyandu (p=0.936), tunjangan kesehatan(p=0.734), sembako (p=0.954), THR (p=0.493), kunjungan kelurahan (p=0.544), kunjunganketua RT (p=0.1), kunjungan pimpus (p=0.365) dan rekreasi (p=0.239) dengan kinerja kader.Simpulan penelitian, variabel yang berhubungan dengan kinerja kader adalah pemberianbantuan operasional, piagam, uang transport, dan pelatihan.


Cadre drop out infl uenced the development of posyandu. Drop out because lack of incentives,both cash and non-cash (training, charter, operational support, uniforms, etc.), but whatincentive is actually capable of improving the performance of cadres. Research problem was howthe relationship of money and non-cash incentives with the cadres performance in posyanduWonorejo health center in Samarinda. Research purpose to determine the relationship ofincentive money (money transport) and non-cash (uniform, competition, health benefi ts, charter,groceries , holiday allowance (THR) , operational support, stationery, head of village visit, RTvisit, head of health center visit, and recreation) with the performance of posyandu cadres. Crosssectionalresearch methods, the respondent were a whole cadre in Puskesmas Wonorejo. Th eresults showed no relationship between the provision of operational support (p=0.002), charter(p=0:01), transport (p=0.009), training (p=0.018) with cadres performance. Th ere were norelationship between the uniform (p=0927), posyandu competition (p=0.936), health benefi ts(p=0.734), groceries (p=0.954), THR (p=0.493), head village visits (p=0.544), RT visit (p=0.1),head of health center visit (p=0.365) and recreation (p=0.239) with the performance of cadres.Th e conclusions, variables related to cadres performance were providing operational support,charter, transport, and training.


Incentives; Performance; Cadre

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