Akankah Orientasi Pengawasan Supervisor Berefek pada Kinerja Tenaga Penjual?
The primary objective of this research is to analyze a model of controls orientation (controls of outcome, activity and capability) influence to performance orientation, to analyze performance orientation influences to working hard motivation and to analyze working hard motivation influences to salespeople performance. Moreover the model of this research developed in six variables are: controls of outcome, activity and capibility, performance orientation, working hard motivation and salespeople performance. The data were collected from 100 respondents of salespeople of shipping company in Semarang analyzed by tool of Structural Equation Modeling on AMOS 4.01 program. Based on the result of this research showed that all hypothesis are accepted. The result of the data analysis showed that controls orientation (controls of outcome, activity and capability) have a significant influence to performance orientation. The result also showed that performance orientation has a significant influence to working hard motivation and working hard motivation has a significant influence to salespeople performance.
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