Peningkatan Minat dan Keputusan Berpartisipasi Akseptor KB
The aim of this study was to find out the effect of the service quality and counceling provided by the family planning field workers (PLKB) and the perception of the contraception users on the environmental culture that contribute to the interest and decision of the contraception users.The population of this study was the contraception users in Demak District. The traditional statistical model of yamae was applied to recruit the 98 women who were long-term users of birth control within the government-sponsored family planning program using the convenience sampling method.The study showed that the majority of the contraception users were in the age at risk of giving birth , with more than two children and relatively had low education background. The service quality, councelling program and environmental culture had a possitive effect on the interest and the decision of participating in the family planning program . Service quality was found to give the biggest contribution for the improved interest and partisipation in the family planning program.
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