Hubungan antara Persepsi dan Sikap terhadap Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility
CSR as an enterprise’s social program seem likely still to be euphoria. Therefore, the main purpose of the program has failed to reach the goal. By using 96 respondents, the results showthat only 8% of them have done the CSR programs appropriately, while the rest are still doing no more than charity. It means that most of the businesses in Bandung,were not yet care enough of the CSR programs. The result of the research also shown there was a gap between what they perceived and what they really do in CSR programs. Our finding also indicates that most businesses actors in Bandung were still categorized as obstructionists and defenders rather than accommodative and proactive. This means they are still low in practices of social responsibility. As an academic community we should always socialized it as much as possible to care more, not only to shareholder but all the stakeholders.
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