Kinerja Keuangan Konvensional, Economic Value Added, dan Return Saham
This study aims to test the effect of conventional financial performance i.e. Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Residual Income (RI), and the more modern financial performance which is Economic Value Added (EVA) toward stock returns on companies in the food and beverage industry listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sampling technique in this study uses the census method, all companies in the food and beverage industry are used as a sample. The process of sampling using purposive sampling method. The result shows that Return On Asset (ROA) and Residual Income (RI) are positive and statistic significant impact on the stock returns at significance level 1%. While the Return on Equity (ROE) is negative and statistic significant impact on the stock returns at significance level 10%, Economic Value Added (EVA) is positive and statistic not significant impact on the stock returns.
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