This issue has been available online since 31th March 2020 for the regular issue of March 2020. All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored from 2 countries (Indonesia and Netherlands).
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Front Matter 11.1
The Implication of e-WoM Communication on Customer Preference and Purchase Decision of Electronic Gadgets
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21113 Abstract 1664 times
PDF 1280 times
Budiono Hardjono(1), Sugeng A. Riyadi(2), Diba Aris(3),
(1) Faculty of Economics and Business, Binawan University, Jakarta, Indonesia (2) Faculty of Economics and Business, Binawan University, Jakarta, Indonesia (3) Faculty of Economics and Business, Binawan University, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Determinant Factors of Customers Switching Behavior to Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online Transportation Users in Bandung
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21432 Abstract 2393 times
PDF 2595 times
Bethani Suryawardani(1), Astri Wulandari(2),
(1) Marketing Management Program, Telkom University, Indonesia (2) Marketing Management Program, Telkom University, Indonesia |
The Effect of Intellectual Capital towards Firm Performance and Risk with Board Diversity as a Moderating Variable: Study in ASEAN Banking Firms
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21487 Abstract 1489 times
PDF 1470 times
Maulida Nurul Innayah(1), Bima Cinintya Pratama(2), Mamduh Mahmadah Hanafi(3),
(1) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Purwokerto, Indonesia (2) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Purwokerto, Indonesia (3) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
The Effect of BI Rate, USD to IDR Exchange Rates, and Gold Price on Stock Returns Listed in the SRI KEHATI Index
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21207 Abstract 1474 times
PDF 1447 times
Oktavian Yodha Utama(1), Siti Puryandani(2),
(1) Management Department, STIE Bank BPD Jateng, Indonesia (2) Management Department, STIE Bank BPD Jateng, Indonesia |
Mediator Analysis of Perceived Organizational Support: Role of Spiritual Leadership on Affective Commitment
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21496 Abstract 1028 times
PDF 888 times
Stefanus Rumangkit(1),
(1) Faculty of Economic and Business, IIB Darmajaya, Indonesia |
Performance and Contribution of Japanese and Non-Japanese Financial Institutions in Developing Economies: an Empirical Research in Indonesia
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.22798 Abstract 409 times
PDF 468 times
Suwinto Johan(1),
(1) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia |
Market Competition and Agency Problem: a Study in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21684 Abstract 1578 times
PDF 1006 times
Ahmad Cahyo Nugroho(1), Jol Stoffers(2),
(1) Politeknik APP Jakarta, Ministry of Industry, Indonesia (2) Research Centre for Employability, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), Maastricht University, The Netherlands |
Effect of Ordo in Assessment of Financial and Non-Financial Information
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.22554 Abstract 618 times
PDF 434 times
Monica Rahardian Ary Helmina(1), Imam Ghozali(2), Jaka Isgiyarta(3), Ibnu Sutomo(4),
(1) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia1 (2) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia (3) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia (4) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, STIE Panca Setia, Banjarmasin, Indonesia |
Attracting Customers Interest through Celebrity Endorses for Marketplace
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.22784 Abstract 806 times
PDF 827 times
Defin Shahrial Putra(1), Farida Yulianti(2), Abdurrahim Abdurrahim(3),
(1) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, Banjarmasin (2) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, Banjarmasin (3) Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, Banjarmasin |
The Effect of Agency Costs on Hedging Policy in Indonesian Public Companies
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.22566 Abstract 681 times
PDF 766 times
Ekayana Sangkasari Paranita(1), Elma Muncar Aditya(2),
(1) Universitas Sahid Jakarta (2) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Widya Manggala |
Bancassurance Business Strategy in Life Insurance: a Case Study One of Joint Venture Company in Indonesia
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.21868 Abstract 1324 times
PDF 1228 times
Ikhwan Abiyyu(1), Mukhamad Najib(2), Alla Asmara(3),
(1) School of Business, IPB University, Indonesia (2) School of Business, IPB University, Indonesia (3) School of Business, IPB University, Indonesia |
Social Performance of Rural Bank: Impact of Commercialization Factors
DOI 10.15294/jdm.v11i1.23091 Abstract 621 times
PDF 540 times
Hesi Eka Puteri(1),
(1) Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, IAIN Bukittinggi, Indonesia |
Back Matter
Back Matter 11.1