(1) Program Studi Ekonomi Pembangunan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Tujuan penelitian iniadalah menganalisis ketidakselarasan semangat investasi dengan semangat transformasi struktural, penurunan kinerja dan penurunan peran pada industri tekstil dan produk tekstil berbagai provinsi di pulau Jawa karena permasalahan deindustrialisasi.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis literatur dan analisis grafik garis.Analisis literatur diharapkan mengungkapkan fenomena ketidakselarasan semangat investasi dengan semangat transformasi struktural. Analisis grafik garis diharapkan mengungkapkan fenomenapenurunan kinerja dan penurunan peran pada industri tekstil dan produk tekstil.Analisis grafik garis menggunakan data tahun 2001 hingga 2011 industri tekstil dan produk tekstil berbagai provinsi di Pulau Jawa, selain Provinsi Banten dengan variabel berupa nilai tambah atas dasar harga input, jumlah orang miskin dan PDRB harga konstan tahun 2000.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada industri tekstil dan produk tekstil berbagai provinsi di Pulau Jawa mengalami permasalahan deindustrialisasi yang terdiri atas semangat transformasi struktural tidak menonjol, nilai tambah menurun dan peran minimal dalam pengentasan kemiskinan.
The objective of this research is to analyze uncomformity condition between investment motivation and structural transformation motivation, performance decrease, and minimum role of textile and textile product industries in many provinces to the economy in Java Island. The methods used for analizing the data are literature analysis and line graph analysis. The literature analysisis was used to analyze unconformity between investment motivation and structural transformation motivation, whereas a line graph analysis was used to analyze the decrease of performance and the minimum role of textile and textile product industries to the economy. The analysis of line graph use tha data of textile industries and textile product industries in Java island from 2001 up to 2011. However Banten province was dropped.The dependent variable is the value added of textile and textile product industries, whereas theindependent variables are GDP at 2000 constant price and the number of poor people. The result shows that textile and textile product industries experience deindustrialization problems. The problems are the structural transformation motivation is not a prominent motivation, most of the value added decreases and the textile and textile product industries has minimum role to the poverty alleviation.
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