Evaluation of National Financial Inclusion Strategies in Non-Profit Institution: SME Center UI

Palupi Lindiasari Samputra(1), Nining Indroyono Soesilo(2),

(1) National Resilience Department, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


This study analyzes the factors and the level of success of the national financial inclusion strategy implemented by non-profit institution SME Center UI or SMEC (Small Medium Enterprises Centre, Universitas Indonesia) using the perceptions of the assisted MSMEs (Mikro Small Medium Enterprises). This research was conducted in 2018 using a quantitative survey with a questionnaire as a data collection method. A sample of 73 respondents came from MSMEs assisted by SMEC, which selects by purposive sampling. The questions in the questionnaire are arranged based on the services provided by SMEC to its MSMEs. Factor analysis uses to identify the factors of the national financial inclusion strategy implemented by SMEC. Then the results will be calculated using a composite index to see the level of success of the national financial inclusion strategy. NFISPI  in the moderate category, with a score of 76.37%. The success of financial inclusion strategy depend on kinship and cooperation, financial education, financial responsibility, welfare support, central regulation, benefits of access to finance, and wisdom financial leadership. There needs to be more for SMEC in realizing the goals of NFIS, which see from the gap in access to finance between male entrepreneurs (58%) and women (42%). Empirical results have proven that kinship and cooperative strategies are important factors in the success of financial inclusion for MSMEs.  Collaboration between the education sector and the ministry of cooperatives and SMEs is needed to strengthen MSME businesses through kinship and mutual assistance.


National financial inclusion strategy, MSMEs, Empowerment, Factor Analysis, SME Center.

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