The purpose of this study was to assess and prove the application of plyometrics training methods to improve limb muscle power athletes PPLM Bali. The research method using a quasi-experimental methods. The results showed that: (1) there is a significant improvement between the initial tests and final test against power leg muscle with a test jump upright, (p <0.008), (2) there is a significant improvement between the initial tests and final test against power leg muscle with a test jump upright, laboratory tests (p <0.003), (3) there is a significant improvement between the initial tests and final test against power leg muscle with a test jump upright, field tests of 8.64%, (4) there is a significant increase between tests initial and final test against power leg muscle with a test jump upright, laboratory tests for 5:04%, (5) there is a significant improvement between the initial tests and final test against power leg with a test jump without prefix / standing broad jump (p <0.000), and (6) there is a significant improvement between the initial test and final test against power leg with a diving tests without prefix / standing broad jump of 23%. Concluded there is a significant improvement between the initial test and final test against leg muscle power.
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