The Dynamics of Public Policy for Non-Permanent Teachers in Semarang, Indonesia

Ngabiyanto Ngabiyanto(1), Daniel Daud Kameo(2), Pamerdi Giri Wiloso(3), Bambang Ismanto(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
(3) Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
(4) Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


This study examines the problems of non-permanent teachers from two sides. First, non-permanent teachers from the perspective of public policy. The focus of this study is on the government's reaction to the demands of non-permanent teachers formulated in legislation. Second, the government's strategy to accommodate the aspirations of non-permanent teachers and efforts to resolve the problems of non-permanent teachers through various public policies that are risen. This study is a follow-up to the implementation of research on non-permanent teachers in Semarang city. The data is taken based on the rules of qualitative research with in-depth interviewing techniques to obtain data in the field, especially primary data types. The results of this study find several interesting things. First, there is a change in orientation of non-permanent teachers from service to a struggle in improving social status and welfare. Second, the income of being a non-permanent teacher is not feasible to meet the minimum living needs of non-permanent teachers and their families. Third, public policy as the government's reaction to the demands of non-permanent teachers can be categorized into 5 models, they are: (1) Political Lobbying Model; (2) Blessing Amendment Model; (3) Impartial policy model; (4) Partial Policy Model; and (5) Response Policy Model. From these findings, it can be seen that the uniqueness of this study is the finding of the models of public policy which are a form of government reaction to the demands of non-permanent teachers.


Non-Permanent Teacher; Welfare; Public Policy; Public Policy Model

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