Time-Varying Correlation Between Stock and Government Bond in Asia: Flight-to-Quality

Mahanani Margani(1), Zaafri Ananto Husodo(2),

(1) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


This study aims to provide an overview of how the relationship between stock and bond market in Asia when a crisis occurs (in this case the 2008 global crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic) using the DCC-GARCH method to prove the flight-to-quality phenomenon in Asia (China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and India). The results showed that during the 2008 global crisis, the flight-to-quality phenomenon happened in Thailand where the correlation between stock returns and government bonds in that country became increasingly negative during the crisis period, indicating that there was a shift in investment from stocks to government bonds. In addition, this research also proved that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the flight-to-quality phenomenon was also proven to occur in Malaysia.


Flight-to-quality; Time-varying correlation; Stock; Government bond

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