Cultural Politics of Javanese Authority in the 19th Century

Widodo Widodo(1), Titik Pudjiastuti(2), Priscila Fitriasih Limbong(3), Sudibyo Sudibyo(4),

(1) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(4) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


This study aimed to reveal the historical construction of cultural politics of Javanese authority through Serat Baron Sakendher (SBS) in the 19th century. SBS manuscript was used as a means of negotiation by the Javanese King on the colonial power resistance that was politically absolute in controlling Java. Stories of Baron Sakendher were presented in the Javanese domain and became a part of Babad Tanah Jawi—which was named the centre of Javanese authority hegemony. Historically, Baron Sakendher was a stranger in the contestation of Javanese figures. This study applied the historical philology theory and Gramsci's hegemony. Text analyses were done from the point of view of the author, panedhak (rewriter), the location where the manuscript was created, and the author(s) who initiated the manuscript. The results point out that the post-war 1830 Javanese SBS script has an essential position concerning the cultural politics of Javanese rulers and colonialism. The concept of mangku, in a spiritual sense, is used as a strategy to conquer without hostility and war. The king's order wrote the SBS script with the approval of the Dutch Resident. The songs and performances of traditional shadow puppetry by Baron Sakendher created a common sense for the Colonial position in Java. Amid babad (Javanese historical texts), the SBS script was used to reduce conflict through a cultural approach that could strengthen the king's authority over the Javanese people. It was also beneficial for political negotiations with the Dutch.


Serat Baron Sakendher; Cultural politics,; Javanese authority

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