Organization Transparency and Public Service Quality During Pandemic

Suasa Suasa(1), Mustainah Mappatoba(2), Muhammad Ahsan Samad(3),

(1) Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia


The paper aims to test a theoretical model that states the effect of organizational transparency and negative emotions on the quality of service in handling COVID-19. The study focuses on Palu City Social Service and Health Service as government organizations that have contributed most to handling the COVID-19 pandemic in serving public needs..  Research methods used in this study include descriptive data analysis, bivariate correlation, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and regression . The study also involves a theoretical model that tests the effect of organizational transparency and negative emotions on the quality of service in handling COVID-19. Overall, this article uses a combination of quantitative research methods to analyze the impact of organizational transparency on public service quality during a crisis like COVID-19.The study found that transparency has a significant positive impact on service quality in handling COVID-19. The analysis indicates that the handling of COVID-19 in Palu City is in accordance with the policies set by the central government and local governments.


COVID-19 pandemic, government organizations, organizational transparency, public service quality, uncertainty management process.


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