Overcoming Student’s Misconception through Implementation of Metacognitive Skills-Based Instructional Materials in Energetics

H. Nasrudin, U. Azizah


Developing metacognitive skills is a prominent objective in the education field. Several institutions use the skills to facilitate students’ thinking processes. This study aims to overcome student misconceptions in energetic materials by implementing teaching materials based on metacognitive skills. Several studies have shown that metacognitive skills have played a role in reducing misconceptions through the process of problem-solving in science learning. The subjects of this research are students majoring in chemistry at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. Students’ conception status is determined by the result of a conception test equipped with the Certainty of Response Index. With descriptive analysis techniques, results indicated that students who had the potential misconceptions status at the beginning had experienced self-actualization: (1) the number of students who have “the right concept†is more than those who “do not know the concept†and have “misconceptions,†and (2) the number of students who have status least misconception. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of metacognitive skills-based teaching materials can overcome student misconceptions in energetic material.


chemistry learning process; energetics; metacognitive skills; misconception

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