The Role of Self-Concept in Modulating the Effectiveness of Nature-Based Science Instruction

A. Jatmiko, A. Asyhari, I. Irwandani, S. Soeharto


This study investigates the intersection between academic self-concept and the efficacy of Nature-Based Science Instruction (NBSI) in shaping the educational experiences of future science teachers. A mixed-methods design, encompassing the Academic Self-Concept Questionnaire and Nature-Based Science Instruction Assessment, enabled a comprehensive exploration of this dynamic. The research found that self-efficacy and self-competence, key components of self-concept, significantly determine the success of NBSI. These elements shape and are shaped by the learning environment, with reflective practices within NBSI notably enhancing academic self-concept and learning outcomes. The study's conclusions provide new insights into educational psychology, emphasizing the necessity of incorporating psychological factors into science curriculum development for more effective pedagogical strategies.


academic self-concept; nature-based science instruction; self-efficacy

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