Interpersonal Communication Between Athletes and Coaches of Student Activity Units in Unnes
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses komunikasi interpersonal antara pelatih dan atlet di Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Universitas Negeri Semarang. Komunikasi interpersonal antara pelatih dan atlet merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam pembinaan olahraga mengingat peran komunikasi sebagai alat penyampaian gagasan, pengetahuan, dan masukan selama proses pembinaan. Proses komunikasi interpersonal dengan enam elemen/komponen komunikasi olahraga menjadi acuan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus untuk mendeskripsikan proses komunikasi interpersonal antara pelatih dan atlet atletik, pencak silat, petanque, dan tenis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses komunikasi interpersonal antara pelatih dan atlet sangat bergantung pada konteks. Selain itu, dalam komunikasi interpersonal antara pelatih dan atlet, terlihat bahwa para pelatih cukup dominan dalam proses komunikasi tersebut. Kesamaan latar belakang juga dapat menjadi faktor yang mendukung komunikasi interpersonal antara pelatih dan atlet yang menjadi anggota unit kegiatan mahasiswa (UKM) olahraga di UNNES.
This study aims at analyzing the process of interpersonal communication between coaches and athletes at the Student Activity Units (UKM) in Semarang State University. Interpersonal communication between coaches and athletes is one of the keys to success in sports development considering the role of communication as a tool in conveying ideas, knowledge, and inputs during the coaching process. The process of interpersonal communication with six elements/components of sports communication becomes a reference in this study. This research was designed by using qualitative descriptive with case study method to describe the process of interpersonal communication between coaches and athletes of athletics, pencak silat, petanque, and tennis. The results showed that the process of interpersonal communication between coaches and athletes is highly dependent on context. In addition, in interpersonal communication between coaches and athletes, it appears that the coaches were quite dominant in the communication process. Background similarities can also be a factor that supports interpersonal communication between coaches and athletes who become members of sports student activity unit (UKM) in UNNES.
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