The Utilization of Social Media in Pancasila Education Learning for the Development of the Millenial Generation in Universities

Alannur Fajril Ula(1),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang


The use of social media used in learning Pancasila Education courses for the development of the millennial generation is very much needed and needed. Learning Pancasila Education which is generally static, critical, boring and tends to be more rote which actually makes many students less interested and even not interested at all in studying and deepening the knowledge of Pancasila Education. As young people, students must be given a touch of interesting and not boring Pancasila Education learning by utilizing social media such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and vlogs. To make learning Pancasila Education fun and interactive, the lecturer can give the task of making a creative and innovative work based on social media. The use of social media will make the millennial generation learn Pancasila Education in the form of theory and reality, will bring creativity in learning. It is hoped that the Pancasila Education learning using social media can create interactive, fun, relevant learning to everyday life and able to adapt to the character of the millennial generation that is connected to technological developments and advances. Pancasila Education Learning finally runs in an atmosphere that is not boring with material that includes a study of several existing theories and realities so that they are able to adapt to the times.


Social Media, Pancasila Education Learning, Millennial Generation, Higher Education

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