The existence of street vendors (PKL) as supporting activities in Jalan Taman Siswa, Semarang
(1) Diponegoro University
the facility of fulfilling students’ needs from the very first establishment of Unnes. There is not only street vendors’
phenomenon but also there exist change of land function, the development of building and traffic density. Several
additional activities to the developed area would relatively increase such impacts towards street vendor development
in Sekaran, especially in Jalan Taman Siswa. This phenomenon is interesting to be studied because a part of Jalan
Taman Siswa becomes one of the important corridors in Semarang State University area. This corridor,
unfortunately, has been changed into the center of street vendors.The data collecting employed by the writer was
observation, interview, and documentation. This study employs qualitative approach. Whereas the method used is
descriptive design. By implementing this method, the writer will elaborate the problems appeared briefly and
comprehensively. Theoretical data are collected by reviewing the related literature, which means that the writer
gathers the data by reading much relevant literature. This data is managed by conducting analysis and applying the
data to the study. The existence of Unnes as one of the big campuses in Semarang triggers the occurrence of several
students' activities such as to fulfill students' daily necessity. Along Kinanti boarding house to Ulul Albab Mosque,
there exist several supporting facilities for Unnes students and people around the campus. This is interesting since
the occurrence of supporting activity such as PKL in that area has the strong relationship with the use of public
spaces. Thus, it could be formulated that the presence of PKL as activity support in Taman Siswa corridor increases
along with the development of Semarang State University Campus.
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