Effectiveness of Early Exercise Against Uterine Involution in Spontaneous Postpartum Patients
(1) STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan
(2) STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan
It is estimated that 50% of puerperal mortality occur within the first 24 hours. At this
time the involution process occured. Involutionary disorders cause complications which
is the leading cause of maternal mortality. Most of postpartum women do not obtain
exercise guidance after giving birth. They are only advised to do simple mobilization
without planned guidance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness
of early exercise against uterine involution (fundus and lochea). The research method
used Quasi Experimental (pre-post test non equivalent control group design). It was
conducted from May to August 2017. The samples were 40 respondents spontaneous
primiparous postpartum mother. The study was started by 1) divided the samples into
control group and treatment group, 2) measured the fundus and lochea, 3) provided
early exercise on treatment group, 4) re-measured fundus and lochea in both groups, 5)
analyzed the effectiveness of early exercise to fundus and lochea expenditure decrease.
The data analysis used Mann Whitney with α = 0.05. The results showed p value is 0.000
(fundus) and p value are 0.001 (lochea). It means that early exercise is effective against
uterine involution (fundus and lochea). The results can provide positive contribution in
preventing maternal mortality caused by puerperal complications.
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