Dyah Mahendrasari Sukendra(1),

(1) Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


Perubahan cuaca mempengaruhi alam dan aktivitas agen patogen, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Beberapa dekade, agen patogen mulai berkembang dan bermutasi secara variasi serta lebih ganas.  Salah satu kejadian zoonosis yaitu penyebaran virus influenza A. Virus influenza A [H1N1] berpotensi berkembang  di Indonesia. Penyebaran influenza A [H1N1] di Indonesia antar manusia sudah terjadi. Etiologi influenza babi (swine flu) virus influenza A H1N1, famili Orthomyxoviridae. H1N1 mempunyai NeuAc 2,3Gal dan NeuAc 2,6Gal, merupakan gen linkage reseptor spesifik. NeuAc 2,6Gal babi dapat meniru reseptor spesifik pada manusia. Virus influenza A [H1N1] dapat bertransmisi melintasi “barier speciesâ€, sehingga bisa terjadi penularan secara timbal balik, antara babi dan manusia. Peran sistem imun tubuh penting dalam mendeteksi dan memusnahkan serangan virus ini, namun seringkali antibodi tubuh tidak mampu mengenali antigen yang bermutasi sangat variasi. Tindakan pencegahan harus diambil secara cepat untuk mengurangi risiko penularan  serta mengantisipasi  outbreak secepat mungkin.



Weather changes affect the nature and activity of pathogenic agents, either directly or indirectly. Several decades, the agent started evolving and mutating its variations and more violent. One incident that is the spread of zoonotic influenza virus A. Influenza virus A [H1N1] is potential to grow in Indonesia. The spread of influenza A [H1N1] in Indonesia between humans has occurred. The etiology of swine influenza (swine flu) A H1N1 virus, Orthomyxoviridae family. H1N1 has a 2.3 Gal and NeuAc NeuAc 2.6Gal, a specific receptor gene linkage. NeuAc 2.6Gal pigs can mimic a specific receptor in humans. Influenza virus A [H1N1] may transmit traffic “species barrierâ€, so that transmission can occur on a reciprocal basis, between pigs and humans. The role of the body’s immune system is important in detecting and destroying these virus attacks, but often the body’s antibodies are not able to recognize antigens that mutate very varied. Prevention must be taken quickly to reduce the risk of transmission and to anticipate the outbreak as quickly as possible.

Keywords: Zoonotic; Influenza A virus [H1N1]; Swine influenza; Human influenza

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