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(2) Jalan Eyckman No.38 Bandung 40161
Masalah penelitian adalah bagaimana nilai Functional Independence Measure (FIM) pasien cedera servikal dengan manajemen konservatif. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis nilai Functional Independence Measure (FIM) pasien cedera servikal dengan manajemen konservatif. Metode penelitian kohor prospektif dengan observasi pada semua pasien cedera servikal yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi di bagian Bedah Saraf Rumah Sakit (RS) Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung. Subjek dikelompokkan berdasarkan umur, jenis kelamin, trauma tunggal/multipel, akut/kronik, abnormalitas servikal, lesi komplit/inkomplit, dan ASIA impairment score. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t dan uji chi kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 17 pasien cedera servikal yang dirawat di bagian Bedah Saraf RS Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode April 2009–April 2010. Rata-rata nilai FIM pasien cedera servikal adalah 4+1,63. Tidak terdapat hubungan umur, jenis kelamin, jenis trauma, onset trauma, dan abnormalitas servikal dengan besarnya nilai FIM pasien cedera servikal. Simpulan penelitian adalah terdapat hubungan jenis lesi cervical spine, ASIA impairment score dengan besarnya nilai FIM pasien cedera servikal. Jenis lesi cervical spine dan ASIA impairment score memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan besarnya nilai FIM pasien 6 bulan pasca cedera servikal.
The research problem was how the Functional Independence Measure score (FIM) cervical injury patients with conservative management. The purpose of this study was to analyze the value of the functional independence measure (FIM) cervical injury patients with conservative management. Prospective cohort methods used to observe cervical injury in all patients who met the inclusion criteria at the Neurosurgery Hospital (Hospital) Dr. Hasan Sadikin. Subjects were grouped by age, sex, trauma, single/multiple, acute/chronic, cervical abnormalities, complete/incomplete lesions, and ASIA impairment score. Data were analyzed using t test and chi-square test. The results showed there were 17 patients with cervical injuries were treated at the Hospital of Neurosurgery Dr. Hasan Sadikin the period April 2009-April 2010. The average value of FIM cervical injury patients was 4 +1.63. There wasn’t relationship to age, sex, type of trauma, the onset of trauma, and cervical abnormalities with the value of FIM cervical injury patients. The conclusion, there was relationship type of cervical spine lesions, ASIA impairment score with the value of FIM of cervical injuries patients. Type the cervical spine lesions and ASIA impairment score had significant correlation with the value of FIM 6 months after injury of cervical patients.
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