(1) Stikes Jenderal A. Yani Cimahi
Jumlah penderita TB Indonesia sekitar 5,8% total TB dunia dan menempati peringkat keempat dengan angka prevalensi 281/100.000 penduduk. Kendala program pemberantasan dan penanggulangan TB adalah Resistensi obat anti tuberkulosis, karena pengobatan lama, mahal, dan tingginya efek samping. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis penyebab resistensi OAT. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2013 dengan rancangan penelitian menggunakan kasus kontrol. Sampel kasus penderita TB resisten dan sampel kontrol penderita TB yang sembuh masing-masing 26 orang. Data dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium dan catatan medik di RS Dr. HA. Rotinsulu Kota Bandung. Uji statistik dengan chi square dan besar risiko dari OR. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 80,8% kategori MDR-TB dan 19,2% XDR-TB. Penderita TB mengalami efek samping 42,3%, riwayat pengobatan tidak adekuat 96,2%, adanya kontak erat 30,8%, tempat pengobatan sebelumnya tidak menerapkan DOTS 15,4%. Penyebab resistensi OAT adalah riwayat pengobatan tidak adekuat (nilai p= 0,001; OR= 40,00, 95%CI: 4,66-343,14). Pencegahan resistensi OAT dengan penatalaksanaan TB komprehensif, menerapkan program DOTS agar pengobatan tidak terputus dan berkesinambungan.
Number of case TB Indonesia approximately 5.8% total TB in world, was ranked fourth with prevalence rate 281/100,000 population. Anti-tuberculosis drug resistant become problem prevention and eradication TB programmes, because treatment for longer, expensive, and greater side effects. The purpose this study was analysis causes Anti-tuberculosis drug resistant. This research was conducted at 2013 with design using case control. Cases which TB patients drug resistance, control which patients were cured TB each one as 26 people. Data obtained from the results laboratory and medical records in hospital Dr. HA. Rotinsulu Bandung. Statictic analyzed using chi-square test and risk factor from OR. Results showed 80.8% MDR-TB and 19.2% XDR-TB. TB patients who experience side effects 42.3%, inadequate treatment 96.2%, 30.8% close contact, not implementing DOTS 15.4%. The causes anti-tuberculosis drug resistance inadequate treatment (P value= 0.001; OR= 40.00, 95%CI: 4.66-343.14). Prevention of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance by comprehensive TB management, implementing DOTS program that uninterrupted and continuous treatment.
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