Smoking as Risk Factors to Dry Eye Syndrome
(1) Fakultas Kedokteran Unisula
(2) Fakultas Kedokteran Unisula
(3) Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
Cigarette smoke can damage the fat layer of the tear film lperoxidation. Dry eye syndrome
is a cluster of disorders caused by an imbalance between production and excretion
of tears, causing symptoms of discomfort in the eye. This study aims to related risk
factors smoke of dry eye syndrome. Analytic observational with cross sectional design,
population of all visitors, officers and employees KAI Poncol station Semarang. Sample
of 60 respondents who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data about dry eye syndrome are examined using Schirmer I test, data on smoking were taken using a checklist.
The data obtained were analyzed using chi-square test. Results of the respondents
who smoke and have dry eye syndrome was higher (80.6%) compared with non-smokers
(25.0%). The results chi-square test p=0.000 (p<0.05), PR = 3.222 (95%CI:1.582-6.562).
Smoke who risk 3.222 times higher chance of developing dry eye syndrome compared
with do not smoke.
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