(1) Jl. Sumur Umum Doplang, Blora, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, 54423
A change in economic condition in Indonesia brings about a change of woman position, from formerly domestic sector to recently public sector. Urban areas that is relatively more heterogeneous than rural ones open opportunities for women to work in various fields, one of which is sales promotion girls (SPG). In this study, the author seeks to explore the SPG profile and the exploitation they experienced. The method used in this study are qualitative approach, with observation, interviews, and documentation. The research uncovered the following facts. Beautiful and attractive appearance becomes a priority in this work. Sales promotion girls on cigarettes and beverage industry are about 21-30 years old with working hours of about 5-7 hours per day. The reason for choosing this job is that it is an easy job and does not require higher education, although the wages is low. Women in these jobs often experience physical and sexual exploitation, also economic exploitation of labor. They have to work until very late, andand they do not have the rights of women workers such as safety and the right to have time off. Considering these conditions, the protection of working women in general and sales promotion girls in particular become very important thing that must be considered.
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