(1) Jl Raya Banyuputih Limpung, Batang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, 58820
Levels of low socioeconomic families lead women to have double roles. Limited employment opportunities in rural areas, limited skills and low education make tea picking as the most possible work for women. The objective of this study is to describe the time division of women tea pickers and their social and economic conditions. The study used a qualitative approach and specifically phenomenology. The study site is in the village Keteleng, Batang, located near the tea plantation PT Pagilaran where many women of this village became tea pickers. Observation, interviews, and documentation were used in data collection. The validity of data is done by triangulation of data sources and analysis was conducted by interpretative analysis. This study explains that women has multiple roles in domestic and public, and this has impact in their life. The tea pickers women still have good social interactions with family, and even expanding relationships with the community. In terms of economics, the profession as a tea picker does not significantly raise the women’s welfare because of low wages they receive. But with economic independence that they gain as tea leaves pickers, these women have an active role in decision-making in the family. This socio-economic demands shouldered upon these women also reduce levels of discrimination.
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