(1) Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani, 42434, Indonesia
Traditional fisherman rely on seasonal condition when they do fishing, their fishing product, their capital, and social network marketing.The study aimed to investigate the characteristic of traditional fisherman. Their social system and their marketing strategies. It was a qualitative study using partisipative observation, in-depth interview, and documentation technique. The subjects of the study were capital owner, boat owner, fisherman, and officer of fish auction. The study showed that traditional fisherman community in Lontar did its fishing based on fishing equipment which consisted of rejung, net, reef fish, and clam.The boats capacity were about 15-17 pk, with 3-4 miles distance and 1-2 hours journey to fishing location. Traditional fishermen were highly depent on capital owner (langgan) whom they got the capital from and they gave the fishing products to. Moreover, langgan decided the price and fish marketting. Some of traditional fishermen could directly sold their fishing products themselves because they had their own capital. The fisherman community sold their fishing products in fish auction, which price was determinied by the kinds and sizes of the fishes.
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