System of Recruitment of Legal Profession In A Nation of Law of Pancasila

Saiful Anam(1),

(1) Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta


Pengaturan sistem dan mekanisme perekrutan profesi hukum seperti Advokat atau Pengacara, masih memiliki sejumlah kelemahan, dan permasalahan. Beberapa organisasi advokat masih menerapkan pendidikan profesi advokat sebagai persyaratan bagi para kandidat untuk mengikuti ujian, dan ada juga beberapa organisasi advokat yang mewajibkan kandidat untuk mengikuti ujian sebelum mendapatkan pendidikan profesional. Beberapa masalah juga ada dalam profesi notaris, dimana calon harus memperoleh Master of Public Notaris. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem rekrutment profesional hukum di Indonesia yang memiliki dasar negara Pancasila. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam rekrutment profesional hukum di Indonesia, secara normatif mengacu kepada sistem hukum pendidikan nasional yang diharapkan bisa melahirkan profesional hukum yang baik dan berintegritas.

The regulatory system and legal profession recruitment mechanisms such as Advocates or Lawyers, still have a number of weaknesses, and problems. Some advocate organizations still apply advocate profession education as a requirement for candidates to take the exam, and there are also some advocate organizations that require candidates to take exams before getting professional education. Some problems also exist in the notary profession, where the candidate must obtain a Master of Public Notary. This research aims to analyze the legal professional recruitment system in Indonesia which has the basic state of Pancasila. The results of this study indicate that in the recruitment of legal professionals in Indonesia, normatively refers to the national legal system of education which is expected to give birth to a good legal professionals and integrity.

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